Zombie Deck Popular In ISD Block Tournaments
As I play more and more ISD block constructed tournaments on Magic Online, I see a lot more of this deck being played. It seems to be quite fast, effective and consistent. Also it can be one of the cheapest ISD decks to build and be competitive in this format. Whether you are looking to build this deck yourself, or dissect it to learn it’s strengths and weaknesses, you can read more about it in the article I wrote here:ISD Block Zombie Deck
Also check out the gameplay videos uploaded to youtube!
Monoblack Zombie Deck Versus UW Miracle Deck
A gameplay video of myself playing the zombie deck in the MTGO “tournament practice” area. The challenger was playing a popular UW “Miracle” deck. It was a tough match but Zombies managed to pull through. (Watch this in HD quality to see the cards more clearly.)
Monoblack Zombie Deck Versus UB Delver Deck
A video of myself playing the zombie deck. The challenger was playing a delver deck.
Monoblack Zombie Deck Versus Random Dredge Deck
A video of myself playing the zombie deck against a dredge style deck with Huntmaster Of The Fells. Watch in round one how I beat him on my 6th turn with the Blood Artist/Gravecrawler/Bloodflow combo, quite epic!
Monoblack Zombies Versus Red Black Vampires
A video of myself playing the zombie deck versus a fast Red and Black Vampire deck. As you can see, vampires are not as strong as zombies!
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